Monday, December 22, 2014

New Hampshire Law on Alimony by Attorney Danielle L. Richey Santuccio

In New Hampshire, court ordered alimony is governed by New Hampshire Law RSA 458:19.  This law requires two factors before a Court will award alimony: the proposed recipient of the alimony must demonstrate the need for alimony, and the proposed payer of the alimony must have the ability to pay it. To determine the amount of alimony, the Court has to consider the length of the parties' marriage; their ages, their health, their social or economic status, their occupation(s), their amount of income and sources of income, the property awarded to either party in the divorce, their vocational skills, current and future employability, any estate, their liabilities, and needs of each of the parties; the opportunity of each for future acquisition of capital assets and income; the fault of either party as defined in RSA 458:16-a, II(l); and the federal tax consequences of the potential alimony order by the Court.

Do you have questions about alimony or possible alimony?  Call me for a consultation today:

Attorney Danielle Richey Santuccio

DISCLAIMER: This is legal advertising.  It does not constitute or create any attorney-client relationship.

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