Thursday, February 5, 2015

NH Creates Family Division Complex Case Docket

New Hampshire families now have another option if they find themselves dealing with a particularly complicated and drawn out divorce.  At the end of 2014 the Family Division Complex Case Docket was created to assist with efficient resolution of complex divorce cases.  These cases can involve complex assets, such as businesses, or significant assets with disputed values.  There could be novel legal issues that are not yet settled in New Hampshire or a critical need for fast resolution.  Are the parties particularly litigious or is the trial expected to take several days?  These cases could also be appropriate for the Complex Case Docket.  This docket provides one Judge who will be sitting on these specially assigned cases providing the opportunity for close management and supervision.   With increasing delays in the NH Family Courts the creation of this Complex Case Docket could be a valuable tool for parties involved in a complicated or protracted divorce that cannot wait years for resolution and requires the dedication of a Judge assigned specially to handle these types of cases.  If you believe you have a case that should be referred to the Complex Case Docket call today to discuss this option.  Though all cases will be heard in the Strafford County Building in Dover,  cases from any county in New Hampshire are eligible.   

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